Frankfurt: 3EG


News Release 07-19

Endurance Gold Corporation (EDG - TSX.V) announces assay results from a 56 hole, 653 metre diamond drilling program on the Pardo Property, located 65 kilometres northeast of Sudbury, in east-central Ontario. This program represents the Company's first significant drilling effort at Pardo, which covers a 24 square kilometre area of the Proterozoic aged Cobalt Embayment, where basal conglomerates rest unconformably on Archean aged sediments. The program targeted strong IP anomalies in the vicinity of and along strike from surface sampling results returned in late 2006, of 3.5 grams per tonne ("gpt") Au across 13 metres., in an area referred to as Trench Number 2.

Thirty-seven of the holes (Holes PD-07-01 through 39) were drilled in the immediate Trench 2 Area. The holes, all vertical, tested the flat lying basal conglomerate on ten metre centres, over an area measuring approximately fifty by fifty metres.

Holes 50 through 62 tested the IP anomaly immediately south and east of the Trench 2 Area, and were drilled on 25 metre centres. Holes 65 through 69 were drilled across the IP anomaly at a location 100 metres south of Trench 2. One hole (PD-07-43) was drilled 100 metres north of the Trench 2 area, but did not encounter the targeted conglomerate

The table below summarizes the thickness of the encountered conglomerate horizon, and the arithmetic average of gold analyses returned from typically one metre samples from that horizon. Higher grade intercepts internal to the average value are reported as "Includes". Note that no minimum cut-off grade was used in calculating the average grade of the intercept.

Maps illustrating the respective location of all drill holes with reported grades will be posted to the Company's website immediately following publication of this News Release.


                 Horizon          Conglomerate               Average
Hole       -------------------       Thickness              Au Grade
Number      From (M)    To (M)              (M)  (No Minimum Cut-Off)
PD-07-01        0.0       7.5              7.5             0.147 GPT
INCLUDES        5.0       6.0              1.0             0.655 GPT

PD-07-02        1.0      10.2              9.2             0.277 GPT
INCLUDES        6.0      10.2              4.2             0.576 GPT

PD-07-03        1.0      10.9              9.9             0.402 GPT
INCLUDES        7.0      10.9              3.9             0.915 GPT
INCLUDES       10.0      10.9              0.9             2.947 GPT

PD-07-04        0.0       7.5              7.5             0.788 GPT
INCLUDES        4.0       7.5              3.5             1.143 GPT

PD-07-05        1.0      12.2             11.2             0.272 GPT
INCLUDES        6.0      12.2              6.2             0.373 GPT
INCLUDES        6.0       7.0              1.0             0.719 GPT

PD-07-06        2.0      10.0              8.0             0.415 GPT
INCLUDES        3.0       4.0              1.0             1.164 GPT

PD-07-07        2.5       7.4              4.9             0.220 GPT
INCLUDES        5.0       7.4              2.4             0.402 GPT

PD-07-08        1.7       8.5              6.8             1.110 GPT
INCLUDES        1.7       3.0              1.3             5.211 GPT

PD-07-09        2.0       7.1              5.1             0.089 GPT

PD-07-10        3.6       5.5              1.9             0.111 GPT

PD-07-11        3.3       4.0              0.7             0.223 GPT

PD-07-12        4.1       5.65             1.55            0.735 GPT   
INCLUDES        4.9       5.65             0.75            1.181 GPT

PD-07-13        3.6       4.2              0.6             0.303 GPT

PD-07-14        2.07      4.44             2.37            0.155 GPT


PD-07-16        1.2       3.4              2.2             0.668 GPT
INCLUDES        2.0       3.4              1.4             0.969 GPT

PD-07-17        1.3       4.6              3.3             0.160 GPT
INCLUDES        4.0       4.6              0.6             0.531 GPT

PD-07-18        1.3       2.4              1.1             1.200 GPT

Hole 19        Was Not Drilled Due to Wet Ground Conditions

PD-07-20        2.5       3.1              0.6             0.318 GPT

Hole 21        Was Not Drilled Due to Wet Ground Conditions

PD-07-22        1.0       7.85             6.85            0.147 GPT

PD-07-23        0.6       7.8              7.2             0.580 GPT
INCLUDES        0.6       2.0              1.4             2.707 GPT

PD-07-24        0.5       6.85             6.35            0.393 GPT
INCLUDES        0.5       2.0              1.5             1.541 GPT

PD-07-25        1.3       9.51             8.21            0.804 GPT
INCLUDES        1.3       2.5              1.2             4.951 GPT

PD-07-26        0.34      7.17             6.83            0.200 GPT
INCLUDES        0.34      1.20             0.86            1.050 GPT

PD-07-27        0.3       6.10             5.8             0.056 GPT

PD-07-28        2.90      11.0             8.1             0.535 GPT
INCLUDES       10.0       11.0             1.0             3.507 GPT

PD-07-29        0.0        9.7             9.7             0.471 GPT
INCLUDES        0.0        3.0             3.0             0.939 GPT
INCLUDES        8.0        9.0             1.0             0.879 GPT

PD-07-30        1.2        6.92            5.72            0.039 GPT

PD-07-31        2.1       10.5             8.4             1.673 GPT
INCLUDES        3.0        5.0             2.0             5.699 GPT
INCLUDES        8.0       10.0             2.0             1.021 GPT

PD-07-32        0.0        6.85            6.85            0.533 GPT
INCLUDES        0.0        2.0             2.0             1.599 GPT

PD-07-33        0.0        3.32            3.32            0.082 GPT

PD-07-34        0.6        6.75            6.15            0.274 GPT
INCLUDES        3.0        4.0             1.0             0.672 GPT

PD-07-35        1.5        5.7             4.2             0.209 GPT

PD-07-36        0.0        2.41            2.41            0.195 GPT

PD-07-37        0.7        4.65            3.95            0.129 GPT

PD-07-38        0.6        3.7             3.1             0.083 GPT

PD-07-39        0.0        1.6             1.6             0.272 GPT

Holes 40 to 42 Were Not Drilled Due to Termination of Drill Contract


Holes 44 to 49 Were Not Drilled Due to Termination of Drill Contract

PD-07-50        0.40      10.40           10.0             0.203 GPT
INCLUDES        8.40      10.40            2.0             0.914 GPT

PD-07-51        0.60       9.75            9.15            0.132 GPT

PD-07-52        0.6        8.4             7.8             0.099 GPT
INCLUDES        7.0        8.4             1.4             0.472 GPT

PD-07-53        2.6        6.0             3.4             0.060 GPT

PD-07-54        0.0        3.7             3.7             0.791 GPT
INCLUDES        0.0        3.0             3.0             0.976 GPT
PD-07-55        0.8        1.8             1.0             0.032 GPT

PD-07-57        1.2        1.8             0.6             0.023 GPT

PD-07-58        0.6        1.5             0.9             0.194 GPT

PD-07-59        0.0        8.2             8.2             0.036 GPT

PD-07-60        0.60      10.82           10.22            0.259 GPT
INCLUDES        0.60       2.00            1.40            1.026 GPT

PD-07-61        0.3        1.6            11.3             0.057 GPT

PD-07-62        0.8       10.8            10.0             0.067 GPT

Holes PD-07-63 and 64 Were Not Drilled

PD-07-65        0.0       12.5            12.5             0.510 GPT
INCLUDES        8.0        9.15            1.15            4.257 GPT

PD-07-66        0.6       11.5            10.9             0.301 GPT
INCLUDES        8.0       11.5             3.5             0.724 GPT

PD-07-67        0.6        8.82            8.22            0.961 GPT
INCLUDES        4.25       5.55            1.30            5.459 GPT

PD-07-68        1.0        8.3             7.3             0.715 GPT
INCLUDES        3.5        8.3             4.8             1.070 GPT

PD-07-69        0.6        7.62            7.02            1.395 GPT
INCLUDES        3.6        5.6             2.0             4.736 GPT

All samples were submitted to Accurassay Laboratories in Sudbury, Ontario, where they were crushed and pulverized, prior to being forwarded to the primary Accurassay facility in Thunder Bay, Ontario. At that location, all samples were analyzed using a 30 gram fire assay technique. Accurassay routinely performed duplicate analyses of pulps.

The company, in order to better understand the gold distribution within the mineralized basal conglomerate horizon, is completing an additional set of analyses. Selected samples returning in excess of 0.250 gpt Au are being re-assayed by a Screen Fire Metallics method, that uses a larger 1000 gram cut from the original sample, and analyzes various size fractions from that larger sample to determine if there is a "nugget effect" (relatively coarse free gold grains) within the sample. In addition, the majority of samples displaying significant sulphide content will be analyzed by cyanide digestion. This involves pulverizing the complete remaining sample (approximately 4.0 kilograms per metre) and digesting that sample in a cyanide solution under agitation ("bottle rolling") for a period of 24 hours. The cyanide solution is then analyzed for gold content. Screen Fire Metallic results are expected by mid-October, and cyanidation results by the end of October, 2007.

The Company is also awaiting the results of approximately 1000 humus geochemical samples collected on the property in July, 2007.

These results continue to point to a substantial gold mineralizing system at the base of the Proterozoic sedimentary basin. While the results are mixed, there are significant gold intercepts within the zones drilled to date, and the large property remains only very partially tested. The immediate goal is to better understand the gold distribution within the zones recently drilled, through completion of additional larger volume assaying. The Company will then focus on defining areas where the basal conglomerate horizon thickens, and using IP and humus geochemistry, define a series of priority targets for the next round of drilling.

Endurance Gold is earning a 100% interest in the 2,864 hectare Pardo Property by making cash payments of $100,000 (of which $15,000 has been paid) and issuing 200,000 shares (of which 30,000 have been issued) by November 16, 2009.

Duncan McIvor, P. Geo., is the Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101, and is responsible for the content of this news release.


Duncan McIvor
President and Chief Executive Officer

Duncan McIvor (604) 682-2707, or Jeffrey Wilson, Corporate Communications (604) 868-0225, or visit our website at www.endurancegold.com.
The TSX Venture Exchange or any other regulatory authority has not reviewed, and does not accept responsibility for, the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.