Frankfurt: 3EG


As previously announced, Endurance Gold Corporation (EDG - TSX.V) recently completed a three hole, 536 metre diamond drilling program on the Nechako Gold Property. The property is located 90 kilometres west of Quesnel, and covers an area of widespread low grade gold mineralization drill defined by Lac Minerals in the mid to late 1980's. The mineralization is primarily hosted in flat lying, hematitic coarse chert bearing conglomerates of the Skeena Group.

The Endurance program was designed to test the large epithermal gold system to significant depth. Hole NK-09-01 was drilled to 72 metres, before being lost in badly caved ground. The hole intersected a sequence of strongly hematized conglomerates, cut by clay altered and pyritic quartz eye felsic dykes (or interflow rhyolite). One sample of intensely altered conglomerate immediately above the felsic horizon returned an intercept of 2.67 gpt over 0.5 metres. A one metre strongly clay altered sample from within the felsic horizon returned 2.33 gpt Au. No other significant gold values (of >500 ppb) were encountered.

Hole NK-09-01B set-up 3 metres east of Hole NK-09-01, and successfully penetrated the difficult ground conditions to a final depth of 355 metres. Only one sample, from a pyrite carbonate filled fracture, returned a significant gold value in excess of 0.5 gpt, with an intercept of 0.549 gpt Au across 1.0 metres. While numerous thin hematite bearing conglomerate horizons were intersected at depth, none carried significantly elevated gold values.

Hole NK-09-02 was drilled in a previously untested area of widespread hematitic conglomerate exposure with associated surface arsenic geochemistry. The hole intersected a contiguous 67.9 metre interval of intensely hematitic coarse chert clast conglomerate, which elsewhere on the property had returned significant gold values. The interval, however, contained no significantly anomalous gold mineralization at this location.

No additional work is currently planned on the Nechako Gold Project. The property is currently owned 69.4% by Endurance, and 30.6% by Amarc Resources Ltd. Amarc had previously elected not to participate in the 2009 drilling program, and will be diluted accordingly on receipt of costs for the drilling.

Duncan McIvor, P. Geo, is the Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, and is responsible for the content of this news release.



Duncan McIvor
President and Chief Executive Officer

Endurance Gold Corporation
(604) 682-2707, dmcivor@endurancegold.com


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