Frankfurt: 3EG



Endurance Gold Corporation (EDG -- TSX.V) announces that it has completed its planned Phase One ground exploration program on the Nechako Gold Property, located 75 kilometres west of Quesnel, in central British Columbia (see News Release dated August 08, 2005).

Four separate grids totaling 85.6 line-kilometres were established on the property, over which soil geochemistry and selective induced polarization ("IP") geophysical surveys were completed. A total of 1497 soil samples were collected for gold and ICP multi-element analysis, in an effort to define strike extensions to known mineralization as drilled by Lac Minerals in the mid-1980's. IP surveys were completed both over the area of known mineralization, in an effort to look for possible deep seated feeder systems, and along strike over an eight kilometre north-south distance.

Grid D, located 4 kilometres southwest of the area of mineralization defined by Lac, returned the most promising results. Three widely spaced (800 metre) east-west lines of IP defined a strong coincident IP chargeability high, with a very strong resistivity high. The anomaly persists on all three lines, for a total of 1.6 kilometres of strike length, and is over 1000 metres in width. The anomaly, or series of anomalies, largely begin at depths in excess of 50 to 100 metres, and appears to be open to depth and in all directions. At one location, a very strong chargeability anomaly appears to come to surface, and that area is currently being ground-truthed by geological personnel.

The strong chargeability high, suggesting the presence of significant sulphide mineralization, with a strong resistivity signature, suggesting siliceous or silicified host bedrock, is precisely the target envisioned prior to the survey. This anomaly may reflect substantial sulphide content within the siliceous Skeena conglomerate, the host to mineralization four kilometers to the northeast. Soil geochemistry completed over the grid returned only weak and very sporadic gold assays. However, given the apparent depth of mineralization, this would be expected, as, for the most part, the IP suggests there is no sub-cropping mineralization.

On Grid B, located on the eastern flank of the mineralized area drilled by Lac, soil surveys were completed in an attempt to better define possible parallel zones of mineralization. Sampling by Endurance failed to define any large, consistent anomalies, and returned only isolated, single point bull's-eye type gold targets. Selected IP over Grid B, including a line completed over the known mineralized area, does identify a moderate to strong coincident IP chargeability-resistivity feature associated with the mineralization. This feature appears to continue to depth, below the limits of previous drilling, and represents a significant drill target.

Grids A and C were established northeast and along the interpreted strike of the mineralized system. Neither the soil geochemistry nor IP defined any targets of consequence, though there is a weak NE trending arsenic anomaly that cuts across both grids which may outline a possible structural control to mineralization.

Endurance has re-mobilized the IP crew to the property, to complete an additional 10 line-kilometres of IP over portions of Grids D and B. That work will better define widths of defined anomalies, and potentially extend known strike lengths. Following a review and analysis of that data, a preliminary diamond drilling program is planned for November.

Endurance Gold is earning a 60% interest in the Nechako Gold Property from Amarc Resources Ltd., through issuing 250,000 shares and completing $250,000 in exploration expenditures over a three year period. The Phase One Program, as outlined above, has fulfilled the Year One expenditure obligation. Endurance expects to vest its 60% interest on completion of the diamond drilling program proposed for later this fall.

Duncan McIvor, P. Geo., is the Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101, and is responsible for the content of this news release.



Duncan McIvor
President and Chief Executive Officer

Jeffrey Wilson, Corporate Communications (604) 868-0225, or visit our website at www.endurancegold.com

#906, 1112 West Pender Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6E 2S1
Tel: (604) 682-2707 Fax: (604) 681-8799


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