Frankfurt: 3EG


Endurance Gold Corporation (EDG -- TSX.V), through its 100% owned US subsidiary, Endurance Resources Inc., is pleased to announce that it has completed an initial reconnaissance mapping and sampling program on five of six of its 100% owned gold properties. The Endurance properties are located immediately adjacent to the Evolving Gold property and discovery located in the Rattlesnake Hills area of central Wyoming. Endurance acquired the small but strategic property position through staking earlier this year (see press release dated February 27, 2009). Gold values up to 0.66 grams per tonne gold ("gpt Au") have been returned from a geological environment identical to the adjacent Evolving Gold discovery.

The five properties are located between 1.7 and 4.0 kilometres from the North Stock target area on the Evolving Gold ground, where a 15,000 metre diamond drilling program is underway. Previously reported drill intercepts by Evolving Gold on the North Stock target include 2.92 gpt Au over 146.3 metres (Hole RSC-003), 2.74 gpt Au over 131.1 metres (Hole RSC-007) and 0.90 gpt Au over a composite interval of 359.6 metres (Hole RSC-012). The sixth Endurance property is located approximately 8 kilometres west of the Evolving Gold discovery and was inaccessible due to winter wash outs.

The Endurance properties cover areas underlain by Tertiary phonolite (alkalic) intrusions, emplaced into Precambrian aged metavolcanics. This geological environment is identical to that hosting the Evolving Gold discoveries, where gold mineralization occurs in brecciated zones within the alkalic intrusions, and extends into the surrounding schists of the Precambrian country rock.

Preliminary mapping by Endurance confirmed the presence of the Tertiary alkalic intrusions on all five properties. Zones of intense brecciation and shearing were noted on one of the five properties and two properties contained areas of moderate iron staining indicative of weathered sulphide mineralization. A total of 73 rock samples and 43 soil samples were collected during the program. One grab sample of the brecciated material returned a gold analysis of 0.66 gpt Au. Elsewhere, soil anomalies to 12 parts per billion were detected. All warrant and require follow-up sampling.

The geologic setting of the Endurance's properties and the Evolving Gold discovery are similar to large scale alkalic intrusive hosted gold deposits within the Rocky Mountain alkalic gold province, that include Cripple Creek in Colorado. That property has produced 21 million ounces of gold to date.

A map illustrating the location of the Endurance Properties is available for viewing on our website at www.endurancegold.com.

Endurance is currently planning the next phase of exploration activity, which will include more detailed mapping, extensive sampling, and orientation geophysical surveys (magnetics, IP). The next program is expected to commence in late July or early August. If results from the next program are encouraging, the Company will consider a late summer or early fall diamond drilling program to evaluate priority targets.

Duncan McIvor, P. Geo, is the Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, and is responsible for the content of this news release.



Duncan McIvor
President and Chief Executive Officer

Endurance Gold Corporation
(604) 682-2707, dmivor@endurancegold.com


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