Frankfurt: 3EG


Endurance Gold Corporation (EDG - TSX.V) is pleased to announce analytical results from the recently completed three hole, 526.1 metre diamond drilling program on the BQ property, located 25 kilometres west of Smithers, in northwestern British Columbia. The three holes targeted strong Induced Polarization ("IP") chargeability anomalies, in the immediate vicinity of anomalous gold, silver, arsenic, antimony, and zinc soil geochemical values. All three holes intersected zones of stringer sulphide mineralization over variable widths, hosted within in a sequence of intensely altered volcanics, equivalent volcanoclastic sediments, and interbedded clastic sediments. A total of 496 samples were submitted to ALS Chemex for Au and 27 element ICP analyses.

Summary of Significant Intersections
  FROM          TO   WIDTH (M)   Zn (%)   Au (GPT)   Cu (%)

Hole BQ-01
 64.80       65.50       0.70     6.76          -        -
128.10      128.35       0.25        -       0.89        -
130.00      130.40       0.40        -       0.41        -

Hole BQ-02
109.50      111.30       1.80     2.45          -        -
121.00      131.00      10.00     0.57          -        -
121.00      122.00       1.00     3.31          -        -
151.80      153.60       1.80     0.87          -        -

Hole BQ-03
 21.00       22.00       1.00        -       0.92        -

 48.00       53.20       5.20     0.49       0.37        -
 50.00       51.00       1.00        -       1.15        -
 52.60       53.20       0.60     3.22          -        -

 74.70       76.30       1.60     7.19          -        -

 77.00      110.05      33.05        -       0.77        -
 77.00       97.00      20.00        -       1.00        -
 85.60       92.35       6.75        -       1.72        -
 89.70       90.25       0.55        -       6.79        -

143.00      182.00      39.00     0.19          -        -
143.00      143.50       0.50     2.65          -        -
161.50      167.00       5.50     0.54          -        -
162.50      163.00       0.50     1.21          -     3.21

Holes BQ-01 and 02 were drilled in a fence, from south to north, across the IP anomaly. Both holes intersected disseminated and stringer zones of pyrite, pyrite-pyrrhotite, and occasional sphalerite mineralization. Significantly anomalous zinc and gold results appear in the table below.

Hole BQ-03 stepped 100 metres east of Holes 01 and 02, and drilled the strongest portion of the IP anomaly, on the most easterly line of survey coverage. The hole encountered stockwork sulphide mineralization from 14.8 metres to a depth of 144.9 metres, before entering a quartz feldspar porphyry dyke, followed by less altered and mineralized siltstones to the end of the hole. Sulphides were primarily pyrrhotite and arsenopyrite, with occasional semi-massive bands of sphalerite, and in isolated locations, chalcopyrite. Again, assays are summarized in the accompanying table. Of importance is the presence of a broad gold intercept, between 77.0 metres and 110.05 metres, grading 0.766 gpt. The increase in gold mineralization within the clearly zoned mineralizing system is very encouraging, as to date the limits of the system have not been defined.

All three holes are highly anomalous in arsenic and antimony, suggesting the altered volcanic and volcanoclastic host rocks and associated sulphide stringer mineralization are part of a polymetallic hydrothermal mineralizing system with potential to host both gold only, and possibly precious metal rich massive sulphide mineralization. This system has seen no previous exploration work, and constitutes a new discovery. Endurance will complete follow up field programs of IP, soil geochemistry, and geological mapping as soon as weather conditions allow, followed by a significantly larger drilling program in the summer of 2006.

Endurance is earning a 100% interest in the property through making cash payments of $70,000 and issuing 250,000 shares over a three year period, as well as completing a minimum of $100,000 in exploration during the same period.

Based on results, Endurance has staked an additional 20 claims totaling 8,062.3 hectares around the original property. Ten of those claims fall within an area of influence and constitute a portion of the property subject to the earn-in agreement, and ten are wholly owned by Endurance.

John Watkins, P. Geo, supervised the drilling program on the BQ Property, and is the Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101. He has reviewed and agreed with the content of this news release.



Duncan McIvor
President and Chief Executive Officer

Duncan McIvor (604) 682-2707, or Jeffrey Wilson, Corporate Communications (604) 868-0225, or visit our website at www.endurancegold.com.


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