Frankfurt: 3EG


News Release 07-17

Endurance Gold Corporation (EDG - TSX.V) is pleased to release its unaudited interim financial statements and summary of activities for the six months ended June 30, 2007.

This summary of financial highlights should be read in conjunction with the Company's unaudited 2007 second quarter financial statements and Management's Discussion and Analysis available on www.sedar.com and Endurance's website at www.endurancegold.com.

Financial Highlights

  • The Company's net loss for the six month period ended June 30, 2007 was $178,771 or $0.01 per common share, as compared to a net income of $279,871 or $0.02 per common share for the same period in 2006. The net income incurred in the same period in 2006 reflects a non-cash income tax recovery of $419,400 that relates to the renouncement of $1.2 million in flow-through expenditures to investors in February 2006. This income item effectively reduces Capital whilst also decreasing Deficit by the same amount. There is no effect on cash.
  • Working capital increased to $1,785,632 at June 30, 2007 as compared to working capital of $204,265 at December 31, 2006. The increase is primarily attributed to the Company completing two financings in March 2007 and receiving gross proceeds of $2,009,648 by issuing 4,340,000 flow-through shares and a total of 4,397,600 units. Each unit consists of one common share and one share purchase warrant entitling the holder to purchase one common share of the Company for a period of eighteen months at a price of $0.40.

Summary of Activities

The Company exploration efforts during the six month period ended June 30, 2007 were primarily focused on the Pardo and Turner Projects in Ontario, and the BQ Project in British Columbia. In addition, joint venture partners completed a significant amount of work on the Dogpaw Project. Activities year-to-date include:

Pardo Project, Ontario

  • Completion of a 14 line-kilometre IP survey in the Trench 2 Area, defining several strong IP chargeability anomalies.
  • Completion of detailed geological mapping over a 20 line-kilometre grid on the property, which defined several new surface showings in the targeted basal conglomerate, all requiring follow-up detailed sampling.
  • Completion of a 20 line-kilometre, 1,000 sample humus geochemical survey. Analytical results from this survey are pending, and will be released on receipt. Historical work on the property suggests humus geochemistry is an excellent tool in outlining zones of gold mineralization within the conglomerate.
  • Completion of a 56 hole, 652 metre diamond drilling program on the property. Thirty seven of the holes were drilled in the Trench 2 Area. The holes, all vertical, tested the flat lying basal conglomerate on 10 metre centres, over an area measuring approximately 50 metres by 50 metres. Thirty six of the thirty seven holes intersected at least some thickness of conglomerate, ranging from less than 1.0 metre to in excess of 11.0 metres. Sulphide content within the conglomerate was highly variable, ranging from less than 1% to in excess of 20% over localized widths. An additional eighteen holes tested strong IP anomalies south and east of the Trench 2 Area. Again, these holes intersected variable thicknesses of conglomerate, with sulphide contents ranging from less than 1% to 5-7% in places. Four hundred and eight samples have been submitted to Accurassay Laboratories in Thunder Bay, Ontario, and a complete set of results are expected in early September, and will be reported at that time.
  • Expansion of the existing grid by approximately 50 line-kilometres, extending coverage an additional 500 metres to the east, 500 metres to the west, and 1500 metres south. Two additional grids totaling approximately 20 line-kilometres will also be emplaced on target areas in the southern portion of the property. As at the date of this report, that work is on-going.

Turner Project, Ontario

  • Completion a 26 line kilometre grid over a portion of the property where previous exploration activity from the 1950s returned anomalous uranium values to 0.27% U3O8 over seven feet on surface, and narrow drill intercepts to 0.06% U3O8. The host pyritic conglomerate appears to be very similar to the basal conglomerate at Pardo, and is felt to be prospective for gold, as well as low grade uranium.
  • Completion of a ground magnetic-VLF geophysical survey over the established grid. That work assisted in defining the contact zone between the underlying Archean volcanic and iron formation assemblages, and the overlapping Proterozoic sediments.

BQ Project, British Columbia

  • Completion of an 814 flight-line kilometre high resolution EM - magnetic airborne survey over the property. The results of that airborne survey, completed in late July by Aeroquest Ltd., are still being processed. The Company looks forward to receipt of final maps in advance of additional exploration planning for the project through the remainder of the year.

Dogpaw Project, Ontario - Houston Lake Mining Option

In January, 2007, Endurance optioned a portion of the property comprising 2 land packages totaling 28 claim units to Houston Lake Mining Inc. of Sudbury, Ontario. The one year Dogpaw Lake Agreement required Houston Lake to issue 100,000 shares and to apply a total of $56,000 in approved assessment work for a 100% interest in the two claim blocks. Houston Lake met those commitments during the 2nd Quarter, and as such have successfully earned a 100% interest in the claims in question, subject to the 2.5% NSR.

Dogpaw Project, Ontario - North American Uranium Option

In March, 2007, the Company optioned the remaining 14 claims comprising the Dogpaw Property to North American Uranium Corp ("NAUC"), a private British Columbia company, where-by NAUC can acquire up to a 75% interest in the property. Under the terms of the Agreement, NAUC may earn an initial 70% interest (the "Initial Option") through issuing 400,000 shares to Endurance, which have been received, and by completing $200,000 in exploration expenditures on the property by June 30, 2007. As at the end of Quarter 2, NAUC has completed the required $200,000 exploration expenditure, and has earned its 70% interest in the claims in question. The results of that work, which included diamond drilling, are currently under review. NAUC has the right to acquire an additional 5% interest through issuing 50,000 shares and completing another $250,000 in exploration on the property. Due to delays in certain regulatory issues, NAUC has asked for and been granted an extension to September 30, 2007 to determine if it will elect to exercise that option..

Other Activities

  • The Company acquired by staking, a 100% interest in an additional 6 claims, located in Hutton and Parkin Townships in the Sudbury Mining Division of east-central Ontario in May 2007.


The Company intends to continue aggressive exploration programs on the Pardo and Turner properties in Ontario, and the Nechako and BQ properties in British Columbia. The Company will continue to review, evaluate, and potentially acquire new, highly prospective land positions, either by staking, purchase or option, or by negotiating joint venture agreements.



Duncan McIvor
President and Chief Executive Officer

Duncan McIvor (604) 682-2707, or Jeffrey Wilson, Corporate Communications (604) 868-0225, or visit our website at www.endurancegold.com.


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