Frankfurt: 3EG


Endurance Gold Corporation (EDG -- TSX.V) is pleased to announce that it has increased its landholdings in the vicinity of its Pardo and Turner Properties, located in the Sudbury Mining Division of east-central Ontario. The Company has acquired, by staking, a 100% interest in an additional 48 claim units, located in Hutton and Parkin Townships. The properties cover areas of Mississagi Formation quartz pebble conglomerate horizons within thicker sequences of siltstone and quartzite. Historical sampling in the late 1960's by various groups has returned anomalous gold values to 255 ppb from silicified zones within the Proterozoic sedimentary sequence. Limited drilling has also returned weakly radioactive signatures from the pyritic conglomerates, and the area of staking has not been fully evaluated for either its gold or uranium potential. The claims, in two separate properties, add to the growing Endurance property portfolio (with the Pardo and Turner Properties) within the large Cobalt Embayment target area, where Endurance is actively exploring for both Witwatersrand type gold mineralization, and Blind River-Elliot Lake type uranium mineralization. A detailed reconnaissance evaluation of both properties will be completed during the 2007 summer field season.

In other news, geological mapping and sampling is continuing on the Pardo Property, over recently identified strong IP chargeability features. Field crews are expected to mobilize to the Turner Property in late May, to commence line-cutting in advance of a summer program of mapping and geophysical/geochemical surveys.

Duncan McIvor, P. Geo., is the Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101, and is responsible for the content of this news release.



Duncan McIvor
President and Chief Executive Officer

Duncan McIvor (604) 682-2707, or Jeffrey Wilson, Corporate Communications (604) 868-0225, or visit our websiteat www.endurancegold.com.


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