Frankfurt: 3EG


Endurance Gold Corporation (EDG -- TSX.V) is pleased to announce that an exploration team is now on-site and has commenced a geological and geochemical sampling program on the 100% owned McCord Creek Gold Property. The McCord property is located in the eastern extension of the Livengood gold district and immediately adjoins International Tower Hill's ("ITH") Livengood Property on the eastern side. As summarized in the release of October 20, 2010, the McCord claims were located to cover the stream catchment area for two encouraging gold anomalies in stream sediment samples collected from McCord Creek and analysed by the State of Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys ("DGGS") in 2005.

Reported gold values in McCord Creek from the DGGS survey were 110 ppb and 61 ppb. These values compare favourably with the best analytical gold values of 201 ppb, 73 ppb, and 72 ppb in the same survey from ITH's pre-feasibility stage Livengood deposit. As a result of several years of exploration, ITH now report a 13.3 million ounce gold resource on their Livengood deposit (see ITH website).

The Livengood district has not been glaciated and therefore the stream sediment gold anomalies at the McCord Creek Property are interpreted to represent a source area within the McCord Creek drainage catchment. The exploration program consists of geological mapping and the collection of approximately 400 soil samples using a powered soil auger when required.

Endurance has engaged Metallogeny, Inc. of Fairbanks Alaska to manage the program.



Robert T. Boyd
President & CEO

Endurance Gold Corporation
(604) 682-2707, info@endurancegold.com


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