Frankfurt: 3EG


Endurance Gold Corporation (EDG -- TSX.V) announces that Metals Creek Resources Corp. ("MEK") the Operator of the Dogpaw Lake Joint Venture reports results from a recently completed prospecting program on the Dogpaw Lake Property. MEK state that the results (up to 3.28 ounces per tonne) illustrate the high grade nature of the Dogpaw property which now hosts a number of discrete gold zones which are being advanced to a drill testing stage.

The Dogpaw Lake Property is operated through a joint venture agreement in which Metals Creek holds a 75% interest in the property and EDG holds the remaining 25%. This project is located within the Kenora Mining District in Northwestern Ontario.

The Dogpaw Lake Property lies within the central portion of the east-west trending Wabigoon geological sub-province and is host to numerous underexplored greenstone hosted gold occurrences. This western portion of the Wabigoon greenstone belt is an emerging gold camp with exciting drill intercepts coming from both Houston Lake Mining (Dubenski Showing) and Rainy River Resources (17 Zone, and ODM Zone).

This second phase of prospecting and mapping was conducted to follow up and better define areas of mineralization identified from previously released results (see MEK release dated November 11, 2008) on the Stephens Lake claim block and to further evaluate the extent of mineralization within the Flint Lake Zone. A total of 181 surface grab samples were collected from three different zones with assays ranging from <5 parts per billion (ppb) to 112,467 ppb gold (3.28 ounces per tonne).

Prospecting within the Stephens Lake claim block resulted in the discovery of a new zone of mineralization with 6 assays ranging from 1.68 to 11.04 grams per tonne (g/t) gold with associated carbonatization and disseminated pyrite mineralization. The zone has been defined over a minimum area of 15m by 15m and is open in all directions and located approximately 270m northwest of the previously discovered D-Zone. Further prospecting/ hand trenching was also performed at the D-Zone area resulting in the expansion of known gold mineralization an additional 40m within a broad zone of carbonate alteration and associated pyrite mineralization with assays ranging from 0.164 g/t to 29.47 g/t gold from 9 samples. This zone is open in all directions.

Additional prospecting was also completed on the Flint Lake grid resulting in the discovery of gold mineralization 900m to the west of the main Flint Lake Occurrence in which the Corporation previously announced high grade assay results (see MEK release dated Sept. 14, 2009). Assays from this current program ranged from 30 ppb to 112,467 ppb with significant visible gold (3.28 ounces per tonne). This mineralization is located along a westerly trending structure with associated quartz veins, carbonate alteration and pyrite mineralization.

MEK, on behalf of the Dogpaw Joint Venture, is currently conducting a ground geophysical induced polarization (IP) program over three prospective areas with known gold occurrences including the Stephens Lake, Flint Lake and Bag Lake zones described above. This program will help determine the strike extent and orientations of the gold bearing structures, prior to planning a drill program.

All assays were sent to Accurassay Laboratories, an accredited laboratory in Thunder Bay, Ontario. The gold was analyzed utilizing a standard fire assay and an atomic absorption finish.

Endurance Gold Corporation has relied on MEK for the technical content of this news release.



Robert T. Boyd
President & CEO

Endurance Gold Corporation
(604) 682-2707, info@endurancegold.com


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