Frankfurt: 3EG


Endurance Gold Corporation (EDG -- TSX.V) is pleased to announce that Metals Creek Resources Corp. ("MEK"), the operator of the Flint Lake Joint Venture ("Flint Lake JV"), reports results from a recently completed trenching program. The trenching program targeted the Stephens Lake and Flint Lake occurrences which are separated by approximately five (5) kilometers. These occurrences host a number of discrete gold zones that are being advanced to a drill testing stage by MEK. The Flint Lake JV is operated through a joint venture agreement with MEK owning a 75% interest and EDG a 25% interest. Endurance has previously referred to the JV as the Dogpaw Property or Dogpaw Joint Venture.

The Flint Lake JV Property lies within the central portion of the east-west trending Wabigoon sub-province and is host to numerous underexplored greenstone hosted gold occurrences. This western portion of the Wabigoon greenstone belt is an emerging gold camp with a number of developing projects including Rainy River Resources' ("RR") Rainy River Deposit with a measured and indicated resource of 5,663,000 ounces of gold grading 1.17 grams per tonne ("g/t") (see RR website), and Coventry Resources' ("CYV") Cameron Lake Deposit with an indicated and inferred resource of 1,397,200 ounces of gold grading 2.24 g/t (see CYV website).

At the Stephens Lake occurrence, mineralization is hosted within an altered granodiorite intrusion of the Stephens Lake stock with associated carbonatization and pyrite mineralization. Seven trenches were excavated delineating two separate zones of gold mineralization. Highlights from the trenching program include trench STR2 in the D-Zone Target, which returned a surface channel cut of 1.43 g/t gold over 21 meters. The zone remains completely open in all directions as the trench terminates in overburden on both ends, with mineralization interpreted to continue through trench STR3 located 40 meters to the southwest, which returned a surface channel cut of 1.42 g/t gold over 10 meters. At Stephens Lake, a second parallel zone of gold mineralization (Busch Zone Target) was also trenched with trenches STR4 through STR7. Trench STR7 is 200 meters west of trench STR2 and returned a surface channel interval of 1.03 g/t gold over 20 meters. Many other gold occurrences have yet to be evaluated with trenching in the Stephens Lake Area.

"We are very encouraged by these channel sampling results from the Stephens Lake intrusive complex, and congratulate Metals Creek on the discovery and advancing this joint venture program in a systematic and professional manner" states Robert Boyd, President and CEO of Endurance "These initial trenching results confirm that the JV property is emerging as a significant new discovery in the Wabigoon."

A summary of results from the Stephens Lake trenching are tabulated below:

Recent trenching from the Flint Lake portion of the JV property also discovered 7.80 g/t gold over 3.1 meters from trench FTR5. This trenching tested the strike extension of the Flint Central Zone, which was recognized in 2010 when surface grab samples up to 112 g/t gold were recovered from historic trenches (see EDG release dated August 24, 2010). Other recent results from the Flint Lake trenching include 1.64 g/t gold over 1.2m from trench FTR1.

The joint venture is currently considering a follow-up drilling program on this discovery.



Robert T. Boyd
President & CEO

Endurance Gold Corporation
(604) 682-2707, info@endurancegold.com


All assays were sent to Accurassay Laboratories, an accredited laboratory in Thunder Bay, Ontario. The gold was analyzed utilizing a standard fire assay and an atomic absorption finish. In the preparation of this news release, Endurance has relied on data compiled and completed by MEK as the operator of exploration programs. Robert T. Boyd, P.Geo. is a qualified person as defined in National Instrument 43-101 and supervised the compilation of the technical information provided by MEK and forming the basis for this release.

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