Frankfurt: 3EG


News Release 05-02

Endurance Gold Corporation (EDG - TSX.V) announces that field work has commenced on the Nechako Gold Project, located 75 kilometres west of Quesnel, in central British Columbia. Discovered in the mid 1980's by Lac Minerals, the property covers an area of widespread anomalous gold and associated pathfinder elements (As, Hg, Sb) hosted in flat lying conglomerates, representing a very large epithermal mineralizing system. Lac drilled 39 holes on the property between 1983 and 1987, with intercepts to 0.611 gpt Au over 64.1 metres. Lac's drilling was confined to an area measuring approximately 1000 metres by 800 metres, while surface soil geochemistry has defined a northeast-southwest trending series of anomalies over a six kilometre strike length. Much of that strike length, which is open in both directions, has never been tested by drilling.

The Phase One program by Endurance will see four separate grids established on the property, totaling 85.6 line kilometers. The grids are designed to provide access and control for additional soil sampling, both over anomalous areas defined by widely spaced Lac sampling, and along strike from the previously defined zones. In addition, approximately 20 line kilometres of Induced Polarization surveys will be completed, which are designed to locate possible "feeder systems" at significant depth below the large geochemical "footprint". Epithermal gold deposits are typically zoned vertically, and feeder systems to the deposits are capable of carrying bonanza grades. The Phase One work by Endurance will therefore evaluate the epithermal system both along strike, with geochemistry, and to depth with geophysics. Contingent on results, a fall 2005 diamond drilling program is envisioned. Results from the Phase One work will be reported as they become available.

Endurance is earning a 60% interest in the Nechako Gold Property from Amarc Resources Ltd., through completing $250,000 in exploration, and issuing 250,000 shares over a three year period. The Phase One Program will fulfill the first year's exploration commitment.



Duncan McIvor
President and Chief Executive Officer

Duncan McIvor, President and CEO (604) 682-2707 or Jeffrey Wilson, Corporate Communications (604) 868-0225 or visit our website at www.endurancegold.com

#906, 1112 West Pender Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6E 2S1
Tel: (604) 682-2707 Fax: (604) 681-8799


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