Frankfurt: 3EG

Flint Lake Gold JV, Ontario


Property Location Map

The Flint Lake Joint Venture Property ("Flint Lake"), formerly referred to as the Dogpaw JV is located approximately 58 kilometres southeast of the town of Kenora, in northwestern Ontario. The property is situated within the Kenora Mining Division and consists of 103 mining claims.

The Flint Lake JV Properties lie within the central portion of the east-west trending Wabigoon sub-province and is host to numerous underexplored greenstone hosted gold occurrences. This western portion of the Wabigoon greenstone belt is an emerging gold camp with a number of developing projects including New Gold Inc.'s (TSX:NGD) Rainy River Deposit with a combined proven, probable, measured and indicated resource of 6.4 million ounces of gold and 18.7 million ounces of silver (see NGD website), and First Mining Finance Limited's (TSX:FF) Cameron Lake Deposit with a measured indicated and inferred resource of 990,000 ounces of gold (see FF website).

In 2007 Endurance entered into an option agreement with Metals Creek Resources Corp. (TSXV:MEK), whereby MEK could acquire 75% interest in the Dogpaw Lake and Flint Lake area of northwestern Ontario. MEK earned its 75% interest in the Property through issuing 450,000 shares to EDG and completing $450,000 in exploration expenditures. In 2010, the two companies completed a JV agreement with 75% MEK and 25% EDG.

EDG participated in partially funding its 25% JV share exploration programs on the MEK JV in 2009 and 2010. No program was completed in 2011. Modest JV programs were completed in 2012 through 2019 for which the company elected to not participate in funding, resulting in a dilution of the Company's Flint Lake JV ownership interest to 18.7%. The Flint Lake JV Project consists of four claim blocks with the Stephens Lake claim block as the current prime focus for exploration activity. In November 2020 MEK optioned its majority JV interest to Manning Ventures Inc.

At the Stephens Lake claim block, widespread gold occurrences are hosted within an altered granodiorite intrusion with associated and variable carbonatization, hematization, silicification, quartz veining and disseminated pyrite mineralization ("Stephens Lake Stock"). A 2012 trenching program opened up some of the more encouraging gold zones. In 2012 and 2016 thirteen trenches were excavated delineating three separate zones of gold mineralization. Highlights from the trenching program include trench STR2 in the D-Zone Target, which returned a surface channel cut of 1.43 g/t gold over 21 metres ("m"). The zone remains completely open in all directions as the trench terminates in overburden on both ends, with mineralization interpreted to continue through trench STR3 located 40 m to the southwest, which returned a surface channel cut of 1.42 g/t gold over 10 m. At Stephens Lake, a second parallel zone of gold mineralization (Busch Zone Target) was also trenched with trenches STR4 through STR7. Trench STR7 is 200 metres west of trench STR2 at the D-Zone and returned a surface channel interval of 1.03 g/t gold over 20 m. A new zone yet to be named was trenched (STR13) about 150 m north of the D-Zone with best results 1.43 g/t gold over 6 m. Many other gold occurrences have yet to be evaluated with trenching in the Stephens Lake Area.

A summary of best gold results from the Stephens Lake trenching and channel sampling are tabulated below:

Trench Metres Gold (g/t) Zone
STR1 15.0 0.591 D-Zone
STR2 21.0 1.432 D-Zone
        Including 11.0  2.274 D-Zone
STR3 10.0 1.422 D-Zone
STR11 5.0 1.6 D-Zone
STR4 6.6 1.935 Busch
STR5 31.0 0.135 Busch
STR6 44.0 0.325 Busch
STR7 34.0 0.765 Busch
        Including 20.0 1.032 Busch
        Including 8.0 1.437 Busch
STR13 12.0 0.93 150m north of D-Zone
        Including 6.0 1.436 150m north of D-Zone
STR13 2.0 3.88 150m north of D-Zone

Trenching from the Flint claim block also discovered 7.80 g/t gold over 3.1 m from trench FTR5. This trenching was testing the strike extension of the Flint Central Zone, which was recognized in 2010 when surface grab samples up to 112 g/t gold were recovered from historic trenches. Other results from the Flint Lake trenching include 1.64 g/t gold over 1.2 m from trench FTR1. Details from the 2012 Flint Lake sampling are available here.

A program of additional trenching on the Stephens Lake claim block was completed in 2017 and 2018. The Operator did not propose a program for 2019, 2020 or 2021.

Robert T. Boyd, P.Geo. is a qualified person as defined in National Instrument 43-101 and supervised the compilation of the information forming the basis for this summary.

Technical Reports

Stephen Lake Occurrence 2012 Trench Results - Flint Lake (Dogpaw) JV
Flint Lake Occurrence 2012 Trench Results - Flint Lake (Dogpaw) JV