Frankfurt: 3EG

Reliance Gold Project, B.C.

Qualified Person

Starting in 2020, all work programs were supervised by Darren O'Brien, P.Geo., Vice President Exploration for the Company and a qualified person as defined in National Instrument 43-101. Mr. O’Brien has reviewed and approved the Reliance Gold project website material

The 2020 to 2024 rock samples and channel samples were submitted to ALS Global in North Vancouver, BC, an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited laboratory, where they were crushed to 70% <2 mm then up to 250 gram pulverized to <75 microns. Samples were then submitted for four-acid digestion and analyzed for 48 element ICP-MS (ME-MS61) and gold 30g FA ICP-AES finish (AU-ICP21). Over limit samples returning greater than 10 ppm gold were re-analyzed by Au-GRA21 methodology and over limit antimony returning greater than 10,000 ppm Sb were re-analyzed by Sb-AA08 methodology. Grab samples are selective by nature and are unlikely to represent average grades on the property or within the target areas. Bedrock representative chip and grab samples mentioned in this summary are potentially selective by nature and are unlikely to represent average grades within the bedrock when drilled.

The 2020 to 2022 RC drill samples were collected under the supervision of a geologist at the drilling rig. Drilling was completed using a 3.5 inch hammer bit and rock chip samples were collected using a cyclone. Sample size were reduced to 1/8th size with a riffle splitter at the drilling rig. A second duplicate split and coarse chips were collected for reference material and stored at the property.

Diamond drill core was logged and evaluated on the Property and samples designated for collection under the supervision of a geologist at the property. Drilling was completed with NQ or HQ size tools core barrels. Drill core was cut using a diamond saw with one half of the core sent for analysis and the remaining kept for future studies.

All RC chip and DDH core samples were submitted to ALS Global in North Vancouver, BC, an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited laboratory, where they are crushed to 70% <2 mm then up to 250 gram pulverized to <75 microns. Samples are then submitted for four-acid digestion and analyzed for 48 element ICP-MS (ME-MS61) and gold 30g FA ICP-AES finish (AU-ICP21). Over limit samples returning greater than 10 parts per million (“ppm”) gold are re-analyzed by Au-GRA21 methodology and over limit antimony returning greater than 10,000 ppm Sb are re-analyzed by Sb-AA08 methodology. Endurance Gold monitors QA/QC by inserting blanks, certified standards and pulp duplicates into the sample stream.