Frankfurt: 3EG


News Release 09-17

Endurance Gold Corporation (EDG -- TSX.V) provides the following exploration update since its last release dated October 06, 2009.

On the Nechako Gold Property, located 90 kilometres west of Quesnel in central British Columbia, the Company has completed a three hole, 536 metre diamond drilling program to evaluate extensions of gold mineralization hosted in Creataceous sediments of the Skeena Group. A total of 243 samples are in the process of being cut, and are expected to be shipped to Acme Laboratories by the end of the week. Results are expected in mid November. The Nechako Property is currently owned 69.4% by Endurance, and 30.6% Amarc Resources Ltd.

On its 100% owned Natrona Gold Project claims, located in the Rattlesnake Hills area of Wyoming, Quantec Geophysics has completed 15.1 line-kilometres of Controlled Source Audio-Magneto Tellurics (CSAMT) on the BC, BCN and TMS Claim Blocks. That work is currently being processed and interpreted by Quantec geophysical staff.

Duncan McIvor, P. Geo, is the Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, and is responsible for the content of this news release.



Duncan McIvor
President and Chief Executive Officer

Endurance Gold Corporation
(604) 682-2707, dmcivor@endurancegold.com


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