Frankfurt: 3EG


Endurance Gold Corporation (EDG -- TSX.V) announces that it has completed a 41 hole, 973.3 metre diamond drilling program on the Pardo Property. All preliminary assays from the drilling program, conducted during the period May 27 through July 07, 2008 have been received, with the most encouraging drill intersection returning an assay of 1.58 grams per tonne ("GPT") gold over 7.6 metres, hosted within basal pyritic quartz pebble conglomerate. This drill hole (PD-08-20) is located seven hundred (700) meters from gold mineralization defined previously and assaying 3.5 GPT Au across 13 metres in surface channel sampling and 1.67 GPT Au over 8.4 metres in a vertical drill hole.

The Pardo Property, located 65 kilometres northeast of Sudbury, Ontario, covers 2,864 hectares, and is largely underlain by flat lying, Proterozoic age conglomerates, which rest unconformably on Archean age metasediments. The majority of gold mineralization defined to date is spatially associated with pyritic and quartz pebble bearing portions of the conglomerate, at or proximal to the unconformity. Prior to this 2008 drilling program only a small portion of this large property had been drill tested.

The drilling program was designed to test a series of north-south trending, strong Induced Polarization ("IP") chargeability anomalies over an area measuring 2 kilometres by 2 kilometres, in an effort to understand the potential size of the target horizon, as well as gain enhanced understanding of the property scale stratigraphy. A complete hole by hole summary of the location, depth, geology, and analytical results for all drill holes are posted on our website at www.endurancegold.com, as is a 1:2500 scale map illustrating hole locations plotted on an Induced Polarization chargeability plan map.

Important data generated by this years drilling include;

  • Thirty three of the forty-one holes drilled on the property intersected the targeted basal conglomerate horizon, ranging in thickness, from 0.87 metres to 32.64 metres.
  • Nineteen of the forty-one holes returned "significantly anomalous" gold values, defined as in excess of 0.500 GPT Au (see table below).
  • Thirty-six of forty-one holes returned "anomalous" gold values, defined as in excess of 0.100 GPT Au (see website)..
  • Within the basal conglomerate, pyrite content ranged from <0.5% to in excess of 15%. The drilling dramatically added to the understanding of paleosurface morphology, and the distribution of the conglomerate resting on that surface. It also demonstrated an extremely high variability in key visual indicators to gold mineralization (pyrite and quartz clast content of the basal conglomerate), pointing to the presence of discreet channels of more "permissive" horizons within the large basal conglomeratic sequence.
  • Drilling in several locations intersected an upper conglomerate horizon, separated from the basal sequence by a relatively thick, pyritic quartzite layer. Several intervals within both the upper conglomerate and underlying pyritic quartzite member returned anomalous gold values, pointing to an increased target size on the property, but also a more complex genesis for the gold mineralization encountered to date.

Follow the links below for additional information:


Hole Locations, Lithology Summaries, and Additional Analytical Results

Location Map, 2008 Diamond Drill Holes

The Company is completing a series of check assays prior to formalizing any additional exploration planning on the property. The Company is also evaluating, on an on-going basis, potential new acquisitions to enhance the current property portfolio.

Duncan McIvor, P. Geo., is the Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101, and is responsible for the content of this news release.



Duncan McIvor
President and Chief Executive Officer

Endurance Gold Corporation
(604) 682-2707, dmcivor@endurancegold.com

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