Frankfurt: 3EG



Endurance Gold Corporation (EDG -- TSX.V) has received the results from all work completed over the Stephen Lake Stock target area of its 100% owned Dogpaw Lake Property, located 60 kilometres south of Kenora in northwestern Ontario (see News Release 05-03, dated August 11, 2005). The work included detailed humus sampling and geological mapping and sampling over an approximately 65 line kilometre grid that covers the entire 12 square kilometre stock.

Results of the humus sampling identified a new target in the west central portion of the grid, where the Stephen Lake Stock appears to have partially consumed a pre-existing gabbroic dyke. Several samples returned anomalous gold values to as high as 405 ppb, and define a "cluster" measuring 500 metres by 200 metres. The area in question has very little outcrop, and the source of the anomalous gold values in humus is not readily apparent.

Geological mapping defined two areas of interest;

On the western flank of the grid, and in the area of partially consumed gabbroic sill, numerous grab samples north of the humus anomaly referred to above returned significantly anomalous values to 7.3 gpt Au. The zones of interest are associated with ankeritezed and pyritic zones in the granodiorite. Insufficient outcrop density prevented the identification of a mineralized trend, and the anomalies will require further work to fully understand.

A second showing, in the east central portion of the property returned values up to 2.3 gpt Au from a newly discovered, heavily pyritized area within the granodiorite. The size of the zone is unknown at this time and will require mechanical stripping to more completely asses.

With new targets identified, a Spring 2006 mechanical stripping and sampling program will be completed over selected targets of merit.

Results from the Phase One program over the second target area on the property (Jenson-Johnson) are still being compiled, and will be released when available.

In an effort to focus future exploration efforts, the Company has significantly reduced its ground position and on-going assessment obligations at Dogpaw Lake, retaining only key claims in the Stephen Lake Stock and Jenson Johnson areas.

Duncan McIvor, P. Geo, and Andrew Tims, P. Geo, are the Qualified Persons under National Instrument 43-101, and are responsible for the content of this news release.



Duncan McIvor
President and Chief Executive Officer

#906, 1112 West Pender Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6E 2S1
Tel: (604) 682-2707 Fax: (604) 681-8799

Jeffrey Wilson, Corporate Communications (604) 868-0225, or visit our website at www.endurancegold.com


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